Rabu, 22 Oktober 2008

Blogger Hack: add social buttons to increase your traffic

Source: http://woork.blogspot.com

If you have a blog, the most simple way to increase your traffic is using Social Networks. 

Every time you add a new post on your blog, I suggest you to take some minuts to promote it on sites like Digg, Technorati, Reddit, StumbleUpon ad delicious to increase quickly your traffic.

Take a look at the following list of links to add your preferred buttons on your Blogger template:

Add Digg vote button on Blogger Template (update)
Add Yahoo! Buzz button on Blogger Template
Add Technorati blog reaction on your Blogger Template
Add Reddit button with counter in your Blogger Template
Add StumbleUpon button in your Blogger posts
Add delicious button with counter in your blogger posts
Add Mixx button on Blogger template
Add DZone button on Blogger template
Add Design Float button on Blogger template

They can help you to attract new readers and increase popularity of your blog.

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