Kamis, 12 Juni 2008

New and improved AdSense for search

AdSense for search on your site is nowpowered by Custom Search, meaning that you can take advantage ofadvanced customization options to refine your search results andads. In addition, you can manage all of the options below directlywithin your AdSense account.
Here are some of the new features you might be interested in:
  • Selecting ad location: Now, you can decide where to place yourads on search results pages -- whether it's at the top, bottom, orright side of each page. We recommend placing ads at the top andright side of the page, as we've found this monetizes the best forpublishers.
  • Refining searches with keywords: Search terms can have differentmeanings in different contexts, but now you can tune your searchresults and ads to what your users are interested in. You can seean example of this in our video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEwxC9hrxM4 . In our experiments,we've found that this tuning has lead to an increase in earningsfor publishers.
  • Improved indexing of your pages: We've recently improved ourindexing technology so that you can provide a more enhanced SiteSearch experience for your users. AdSense for search will nowindex even more pages of your site, as long as we’re able to crawlthem, so that your users will see more results from your site inyour AdSense for search results.
  • Site Search: If you're concerned about users leaving your sitethrough Websearch, you can now you can choose to provide just sitesearch so users can find all the information they're looking foron your site. We also recommend that you host the search resultson your own pages so your users won't leave your site when theyperform a search.
  • Vertical Search: You can also allow your users to search acrossmultiple sites - this could be a network of sites that you own orother related sites that you think your users might find useful.Examples of vertical searches include computer forums, travelblogs, or political sites you endorse.

You can get started with the features above by visiting yourAdSense Setup tab and selecting 'AdSense for search' as yourproduct. Just like with your ad and referral units, your adsettings will be saved within your account when you create a newsearch engine.

You can then go back at a later time and quicklymake any updates to your search settings. Once you've set up yoursearch box, you may wish to explore more advanced features such assite exclusion, labels, and collaboration.If you'd like to learn more about the new options available forAdSense for search, visit www.google.com/afs

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